Passover ended a week ago today and there is still matzo sitting out at Downer.
No observing Jew would still be eating matzo now after eating it for the week of passover ( but then how many observing Jews are at Lawrence? and how many kept passover?) Last year when Downer did this ( yes, they did this last year and probably every year) I was sort of offended but didn't say anything to the Downer ladies. I told my mom about it and how it bothered me, but she didn't seem upset- she said they probably just wanted to get rid of it and hopefully people would eat it if it was sitting out to take. This answer didn't really change my opinion especially when its happening again this year.
Now for my rant:
Its not that matzo is some sacred religious thing that needs to be taken special care of- its more just the principal of it. When Passover it over, its not like I want any more of that, and it proves the point that while Downer is trying to seem conscious of religious practices, they don't really get it. Maybe its still sitting out because they don't know when Passover ended?
Also, I went to the Seder that Lawrence had at Lucy and sat with some people who thought they knew more about the religion than they really did. Its okay to not know information, but to act like you do isn't. And if one does want to be knowledgeable, learn!
On a side note, the matzo Downer has taste horrible ( which I know I shouldn't complain about because at least they have/had it), but then what else is new?.. its Downer.
I see this everywhere. People are not as tolerant and Understanding of religions as they think they are. I myself is included in this list, for I didn't think much of the Matzo being left out. As for the people who pretend to know everything is just their insecurity about the religion that they do not know about. This is a major issue in the world.
ReplyDeletehaha, I really enjoyed this post. I would hope Downer was just trying to not waste food and that's why they left out the matzo, but I wouldn't put it past them to not follow through with their research on Passover. I thought it was a good idea but poorly followed through as often their ideas are. One time at lucy's the cookies they had for dessert weren't vegetarian because they used animal lard. I was so frustrated because who goes to Lucy's except for the cookies?!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you. I mean we do have to give downer some credit for trying but if I was eating kosher for passover I would not want to see anymore matza after passover since downer doesnt really offer anything that is kosher besides the fruits and the matza i would be really tired of it.
ReplyDeleteWOAH! I had no idea that there was a definite ending to Passover fasting. Supposedly, April 23 it is forbidden to fast. You better drop a line to Downer personnel because if it is bothering you, it's bothering someone else. Now it bothers me even though I'm not Jewish. Although, it is interesting to see how sensitive people are about food. Food is so important in accordance with religious ritual. Hmm ... what about vegetarianism and religious beliefs? Is it okay with god to only eat veggies?
ReplyDeletewow you really got some people interested in your blog... i guess that was the whole point though huh.. im sure that downer knew when passover ended just like knew when its started.. quit whinning... its food
ReplyDeleteI, too, was surprised that Downer had the matzo out for so long, but then I thought that I didn't know when Passover ended and that it was still going on. Guess I know about as much as they do...I agree with you that we should all take the time to learn the necessary information.